Live Notetaking Explained for Business

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Not many businesses consider live notetaking as a viable option for their meeting or discussion needs, but keeping a thorough record is business-critical. Despite being often overlooked, live notetaking is an option that saves time, resources and effort! This service can provide you with instant detailed and near-verbatim transcripts that could serve your business in…

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Transcript Formats 101: Audio Transcripts Simplified

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Audio transcripts come in many formats, and making the right choice can save you a significant amount of time, so how can you figure out which kind is best for you? Well, it’s all about considering what the transcript is for and knowing that there is actually a number of options.

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The Rising Demand for Legal and Medical Transcription

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The transcription service that many legal firms, doctors and hospitals rely on is an extremely important service. Legal transcription is vital to lawyers and legal firms to support their clients, case hearings, interviews with witnesses, and much more. Doctors and healthcare practitioners, on the other hand, rely on transcription services for noting down all details of…

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Why your Podcast needs Transcription

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What is the benefit of transcribing my podcast? There are primarily two key benefits in using audio transcription to get your podcast transcribed. Accessibility: Having transcription on a podcast broadens its accessibility to those who are learning English or who are hard of hearing; giving your user the flexibility to read the content when they…

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Are Human Transcription Services Too Expensive?

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Anyone looking to engage with transcription services for the first time is going to be struck by the vast differences in price. Some services appear to be free while others charge in excess of £2 per recorded minute of audio. Everything that costs more than £0.75 per minute of audio will be a ‘human transcription…

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Different Types of Transcription

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There is an astonishing number of transcription services on the market. Technology is powering rapid change in the field, and whether you want to hire a traditional human transcriber or go with a machine-based program, the options on offer can be a little hard to grasp and understand.

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